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Other Deregistration and Registration Procedure

Other registration and de-registration

It is obligatory to register when leaving a place of residence and moving to a new one. In addition, you should also register and de-register with other bodies, so that you do not suffer any disadvantages.

  • Gas - electricity - water - district heating - waste disposal
    Should you move house, you are required to notify the responsible supply companies in good time that you are moving out of the old place of residence and moving into a new one. Therefore please terminate the supply contract for your old place of residence in good time. With a large number of supply companies, you can take the current meter reading for gas, electricity, district heating and water by yourself on the day of leaving your old place of residence and moving into the new one and inform the responsible supply company of this. Smaller supply companies can often agree an appointment with you for the reading of the meter. As a lessee of a residential property, it is best to take the current meter reading in the presence of the lessor. Set out the results in writing in a handover protocol. The notification of the meter reading to the supply company can take place by telephone, in writing or electronically, should the respective supply company offer this service. You should notify the supply company of the previous place of residence of your new address, so you can be issued with the final bills. Please check your final bills for correctness. Should you fail to notify the supply company that you are moving home, the contractual relationship will continue to exist. In such a case, you must continue to pay the costs.
  • Cable providers
    Should you move home, you need to terminate or de-register your cable connection or move this to the new place of residence. Should your new place of residence already have a cable connection, you can relocate this. Please contact your cable provider for information about the services they offer. The cable providers generally have an online service through which you can check the network availability for your new place of residence. As a rule, you are released from these registration formalities as a lessee, should the cable connection be billed via the lessor.
  • Public transport
    Should you have subscribed to a weekly, monthly, annual or special ticket (for example OAP or family tickets) offered by the local public transportation company (ÖPNV), you should notify the transportation company or your transportation association of your new address for the sending of the tickets. Should the tariff zone change due to the relocation, please contact the sales office of your transportation company directly. In Baden-Württemberg, there are 22 transportation companies and operators. Should you move to a different district, it may be the case that you come under a different transportation company and operator or require a ticket which is valid beyond the borders of the company.
  • Telephone and Internet
    You de-register your telephone connection for your old place of residence with your telephone company in writing. Should you be moving within the same district and should you remain in the same local network, you can keep your old telephone number. You can find information and tips relating to this in the relevant procedural description.

Release note

The German original version of this text was drafted in close cooperation with the relevant departments. The Innenministerium released it on 01.01.2018. Only the German text is legally binding. The Federal State does not assume any liability for the translated texts.

In cases of doubt or if you have any questions or problems, please contact the relevant authorities directly.