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Promotion of integration

Persons who have migrated to Germany often remain disadvantaged in respect of education, language skills participation in vocational training and employment, as well as in other areas of life in society. However it is very important for peaceful cohabitation amongst people of differing cultural and religious roots and for the composition of society that equal participation is realised for everybody who lives in the state of Baden-Württemberg.

In some cases, disadvantage is due to structural or institutional reasons. Therefore structures and approaches which promote integration can be advantage in order to ensure equal participation. In part, discriminatory thinking or patterns of behaviour also contribute to disadvantage. Therefore an important requirement for successful integration is that everybody who lives here is prepared, regardless of their background or whether they have migrated to Germany, to show recognition and respect for each other and to be open towards people of other cultures and religions. Only persons who feel acknowledged and respected will also be prepared to actively contribute to society.

Integration is not something which can only be demanded on the part of people who have migrated to Germany, it is rather a joint task for the whole of society. As integration mainly takes place in daily life, for example at work, in neighbourhoods, at the kindergarten, at school and in associations. Therefore successful integration also requires involvement and commitment on the part of people locally. In concrete terms, this can mean that society must provide people who have migrated to Germany with offers to participate. And at the same time, it is expected of people who have migrated to Germany that they show the will and commitment to accept such offers, for example by learning German.

Release note

The German original version of this text was drafted in close cooperation with the relevant departments. The Sozialministerium released it on 30.07.2015. Only the German text is legally binding. The Federal State does not assume any liability for the translated texts.

In cases of doubt or if you have any questions or problems, please contact the relevant authorities directly.