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Apply for a settlement permit for skilled workers

You can obtain a settlement permit that is not restricted in terms of time and place if you are

  • a professional with vocational training,
  • a professional with academic training or
  • A researcher.

Notice: The following have a right to family reunion

  • Your minor children,
  • Your husband or wife and
  • Your life partner.

They are also allowed to be gainfully employed.

Related forms and processes


The prerequisites for the settlement permit are:

  • Your identity has been clarified and you fulfil the passport obligation.
    For the passport obligation, it is sufficient if you have a substitute identity card.
  • Your livelihood is secured without you having recourse to public funds.
    Your livelihood is considered secure if you have
    • Income in the amount of the simple social welfare standard rate plus
    • Costs for accommodation and heating and
    • any health insurance contributions.
  • There is no interest in deportation against you.
  • You have no previous convictions.
  • Your stay does not endanger or impair the interests of the Federal Republic of Germany.
  • You may be gainfully employed and have all the necessary permits.
  • You have sufficient knowledge of German and basic knowledge of the German legal and social system.
  • You have paid contributions to the statutory pension insurance scheme or to another pension scheme with comparable benefits for 48 months.
  • You have sufficient living space for yourself and your family.
  • You have held one of the following residence titles for four years:
    • Residence permit for the purpose of employment as a skilled worker or as a researcher
    • EU Blue Card

Note: The time limit of 48 months of contributions to the statutory pension insurance or to another pension scheme and the time limit of four years of possession of a residence title mentioned above is reduced to 24 months or two years, respectively, if you have completed your vocational training or your studies in Germany.

Responsible department

the foreigners authority in whose district your main place of residence is located.

Foreigners authority is

  • if you live in a large district town or in an urban district: the municipal administration
  • If you live in a municipality or city belonging to a district: the district administration office (Landratsamt)


You must apply for the settlement permit in writing to the Foreigners' Registration Office.

You will then either receive the settlement permit or a rejection notice.



Required documents

  • Proof of fulfilment of passport and visa requirements
  • Proof of secure means of subsistence
  • Proof that there is no interest in deportation against you
  • Proof that you do not endanger or impair the interests of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Proof that you have no previous convictions
  • Proof that you have had a residence permit for four years
  • Proof of paid pension insurance contributions or payments to a comparable pension institution
  • Proof that you are allowed to pursue gainful employment and that you have the necessary permits for this
  • Proof of sufficient German language skills and basic knowledge of the German legal and social system
  • Proof of sufficient living space for yourself and your family
  • Proof of adequate employment


EUR 113.00


You will receive the permit as a cheque card with additional electronic functions.

You can find more information on this under"Apply for an electronic residence permit (eAT)".


  • Objection
  • Action before the administrative court

Legal basis

Aufenthaltsgesetz (AufenthG)

  • § 5Allgemeine Erteilungsvoraussetzungen
  • § 18 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Fachkräfte

§ 44 Aufenthaltsverordnung (AufenthV) (Gebühren für die Niederlassungserlaubnis)

Release note

08.03.2023 Justizministerium Baden-Württemberg