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Request information from the soil protection and contaminated site register

You can obtain information from the Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Register to assess a property.

The terms "suspected contaminated sites" and "contaminated sites" or "suspected areas" and "harmful soil changes" refer to

  • Contaminated sites: old deposits and old sites
  • Contaminated landfills: disused waste disposal facilities and other land on which waste has been treated, stored or deposited, for example former waste disposal sites
  • Contaminated sites: sites of decommissioned facilities and other sites on which environmentally hazardous substances have been handled, especially sites with previous commercial or industrial use
  • Areas suspected of being contaminated: Old deposits and old sites where there is a suspicion of harmful soil changes or other hazards for individuals or the general public
  • Harmful soil changes: Impairments of soil functions that are likely to cause hazards, significant disadvantages or significant nuisances for individuals or the general public
  • Suspected sites: Land where there is a suspicion of harmful soil changes

The value of a property decreases if it poses a riskeor if it is contaminated with pollutants. In Baden-Württemberg, you will find such properties in the soil protection and contaminated sites registeracadastres.

The lower soil protection and contaminated site authorities in the municipal and district authorities maintain the soil protection and contaminated site registers.

Related forms and processes


The disclosure of the information must not conflict with any legally protected interests of others.

Responsible department

the Lower Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Authority

The lower soil protection and contaminated site authority is

  • if the property is located in a city district: the city administration
  • if the property is located in a district: the district office


You can request information and access to the soil protection and contaminated site register informally from the authority responsible for the property. Some authorities provide forms.

Describe the requested information as clearly as possible.

Owners of the land in question can request information.

As a rule, any other person can also request access to environmental information.

The competent authority will check whether your request is granted.

To speed up the procedure, you should obtain the owner's consent or be able to prove your authorisation. Otherwise, the authority will usually have to hear the parties concerned first.

The competent authority will help you on request

  • in the assessment of areas that pose a risk to
    • People
    • Soil
    • Crops
    • Groundwater
  • if you are planning a construction project on suspected areas
  • professionally and legally for investigations and remediation.


You can request this information at any time.

Required documents

None, if necessary consent of the owner or proof of authorisation.


The competent authority may charge fees and expenses in accordance with the fee regulations applicable to it. Oral and simple written information and the inspection of environmental information on site are free of charge and expenses. Costs are incurred for detailed information and, in certain cases, for necessary investigation and remediation measures.

Please note: It is not only polluters who have to bear the costs of remediation work. Sometimes

  • the owner,
  • the tenant or
  • the tenant or the leaseholder

have to bear the costs.

All the parties mentioned may have to bear the costs of any remediation obligations that arise.





Release note

Machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 21.01.2025